As a grown man I have always subscribed to the notion that some class of persons are born great while some others by dent of diligence and hard work attain greatness. There is of course yet another category of persons who have greatness thrust upon them by providence. This last group of persons is generally perceived to be in the minority. An African Idiomatic expression rightly describes this category as “Nwa Chinaemere”. Different strokes for different folks you may say. However when we consider the saying that “No man is an island” it presupposes the fact that no greatness was attained in isolation. Suffice to say that the world will be better for it if persons who have attained greatness in any given society use their success, prowess, influence, talent and resources for the betterment of their kinsmen, country men and humanity in general and stand-out as a beckon of hope to bring about positive impartations, motivation and inspiration to the society they live in. T...
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