"Three million kids set to be recruited into the kingdom of darkness" Amb. Prophetess Happiness Michael
The General Overseer of Highflyer Heroes Outreach Ministry Amb. Prophetess Happiness Ebube Michael has warned that people should commit themselves to prayers because over three million kids will be recruited into the kingdom of darkness this year. She made this statement as part of her prophecies of the year. In her social media posts, Amb. Prophetess Happiness said parents should pray for their children just as she urged the children to do same because according to her "the Lord said that many people will loose their parents this year and that over three million kids will be recruited into the kingdom of darkness.
She also said the year is going to be s year of abundance but people must prepare for next year for the coming year because it may be a difficult one.
"This year is a year of gathering and abundance and there will be so much to gather and and for God to have said so means next year may be a year of hardship"
Read full statement of her of her prophesy
Good evening faithful family. I discovered that so many of you did not listen to the prophecy of the year. I actually sent the link ahead of the twenty-one days fasting. You need to listen to the prophecy of the year, because what you know is what you have, and can be able to guide you. If you have what you don’t know, you will loose it, and it cannot guide you in making plans and decisions. That prophecy was heavy. I will try to list out some of them:
1. GOD told us that this year is a year of gethering and abundance, and that there will be so much to gether. For GOD to have said so means that, next year may be a year of hardship. I pray therefore that may the Lord give you the opportunity to gether in-store, as much that can survive you in the coming years, in Jesus'Mighty Name, Amen.
2. Having the insights of God is very important to living life. Again, God told us that this year will be very challenging, and that we should pray for our parents and children from age zero to twenty-five. The Lord said that many people will lose their parents this year; and that over three million children are set to be recruited into the kingdom of darkness. And that this recruitment into demonic and satanic kingdom is for cleansing and to rebuild the fence that the last AMERICAN GOVERNMENT relaxed in the kingdom of darkness gobally.
So this explains why I have been having sleepless nights about the children. So please pray for your mother and father, for those that have parents, seriously. And also intercede for your children for the. Not to be recruited into illuminati or satanic kingdom, please. I am praying for them seriously. You can see that already, many people have lost their parents. For the ones left alive, let's see how we can secure them in God.
Blossom wherever you are planted!
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