"Three million kids set to be recruited into the kingdom of darkness" Amb. Prophetess Happiness Michael
The General Overseer of Highflyer Heroes Outreach Ministry Amb. Prophetess Happiness Ebube Michael has warned that people should commit themselves to prayers because over three million kids will be recruited into the kingdom of darkness this year. She made this statement as part of her prophecies of the year. In her social media posts, Amb. Prophetess Happiness said parents should pray for their children just as she urged the children to do same because according to her "the Lord said that many people will loose their parents this year and that over three million kids will be recruited into the kingdom of darkness. She also said the year is going to be s year of abundance but people must prepare for next year for the coming year because it may be a difficult one. "This year is a year of gathering and abundance and there will be so much to gather and and for God to have said so means next year may be a year of hardship" Read full statement of her of her prophesy Good ev...